Relevance For Today Episode 148 Kingdom Preparation Part 4
“How To Enjoy Reading The Bible”
Thanks for tuning in to another Kingdom Preparation Episode. As I continue on with Kingdom the Preparation series I want to encourage you to take the time to go through and listen/ watch the previous Episodes as they all have great learning material in them. Stepping into this Christian walk is not easy at times, it’s more like an unexpected adventure, with turns and twists at every corner, except the great news is you are on the winning team. That’s great news and in this show, I want to encourage you by showing you how to enjoy reading the Bible. Yes, you can enjoy reading the Word of God. You just have to learn how to apply yourself and also how to slowly work your way into the scripture. My prayer is that this episode will impact your life in a mighty way. We look forward to hearing from you as well as your testimonies, God Bless and Love To You ALL!
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