Relevance For Today
Episode 244
New Ministry Season
Thanks for tuning in to another episode folks. I appreciate you all that have been on this journey with me. Like I always say if you are not out there listening and watching I would be in my basement talking to myself. So, thank you very much. After traveling and going on an emergency trip I am back in the studio and ready to dig into more ministry around the world. Great News we now are under a 501C3 Non-Profit Organization!! So that means we now can give tax receipts to our donors! I am very excited about this because a couple of you have asked in the past if you donated would it be able to be used on your taxes.
As I mention in the show, all donations go towards the ministry, there are no paid salaries and the goal is to continue to reach people all around the world with the Kingdom of God. New Season! Great plans, ideas, and inspiration. Please continue to pray for the ministry and me as well. Thank you All!
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As always, thanks for tuning in to another episode. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your friends, family and even a stranger.
Relevance For Today Podcast Show
Spiritual Spotlight Podcast Show
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